Selasa, 18 November 2014

Gambar Rekayasa 2014
Asisten Dosen                   : Muhammad Iksan sanusi

Tugas                    :
1.       Membuat minimal 10 Kompetensi Dasar (hal yang ingin dan akan didapatkan setelah mengerjakan tugas besar ini) – contoh kompetensi dasar pada manual buku kuliah Ir. H. Tri Hardhono, Dipl,HE,MT.
       -          Kerjakan pada kertas A4 dan diasistensikan pada pertemuan perdana.
2.       Membuat gambar sesuai soal yang diberikan dari fakultas.
       -          Softdrawing awal dikerjakan pada kertas A3 (ikuti aturan garis pinggir dan kesesuai posisi -                 Dr. Ir. H. Soedarsono, M.Si)
       -          Softdrawing finishing/akhir dikerjakan pada kertas Kop yang disiapkan HMJ-Sipil.
       -          Ketentuan ukuran Pensil, penggaris, jenis gambar, dan lainnya dijelaskan pada proses                          asistensi.
3.       Membuat makalah mengenai pengenalan program Aplikasi Auto-Cad minimal 5 halaman.
       -          Isi : Sejarah (awal hingga sekarang), Fungsi , Jenis (tahun, 2D – 3D), Tampilan aplikasi,                      Icon-icon, Perintah-perintah standar, etc.
       -          Berikan contoh operasi.
       -          MS World fornt Calibri 11 spasi 1,5 (A4)
       -          References
Note              : No copas friends’

Ketentuan          :
1.      Semua tugas dikerjakan secara Individu.
2.      Asistensi bersama-sama (minimal 5x asistensi).
3.     Pertemuan perdana satu kelompok tugas besar ini wajib memperlihatkan surat pengantar dari               Fakultas serta setiap mahasiswa wajib membawa lembar Soal dan lembar asistensi standar.

S t r u k t u r  B a n g u n a n II  2014
Muhammad Iksan sanusi
Metode asistensi yang saya berikan dalam tugas besar ini selain untuk mengetahui segala aspek dalam pengerjaan projek gedung/rumah terutama gedung minimal 2 lantai (serupa dengan SB1) serta untuk melatih penulisan laporan standar dan bagaimana menyajikan hasil laporan dalam bentuk poster untuk presentasi dalam kasus konsultan.
Tugas    :
1.       Membuat minimal 10 Kompetensi Dasar (hal yang ingin dan akan didapatkan setelah                            mengerjakan tugas besar ini) – contoh kompetensi dasar pada manual buku kuliah Ir. H. Tri                Hardhono, Dipl,HE,MT.
       -          Kerjakan pada kertas A4 dan diasistensikan pada pertemuan perdana.
2.       Mencari proyek pengerjaan bangunan minimal 2 lantai (Ruko atau perumahan di semarang)               (maksimal sedang dalam proses pengerjaan 75%).
       -          Lengkap dengan gambar kerja, denah, tampak, dll. (minta pada konsultan / kontruktor)
       -          Brosur atau panflet iklan dari project tersebut (usahakan lengkap dengan peta lokasi)
       -          Menunjukkan proyek untuk persetujuan dari asdos (diasistensikan pada pertemuan perdana)
3.       Membuat laporan sesuai soal yang diberikan dari fakultas.
       -          Memperhatikan metode penulisan (buku panduan / manual file mata kuliah Metode                              Presentasi dan Penulisan dosen Dr. Henny Pratiwi, ST. MT. dan Dr. Ir. Gatot Rusbiantarjo,                  M.Eng.Sc, Ph.D.
       -          Susunan Laporan berdasarkan laporan SB1 namun diberi sumber informasi disetiap bab                       pembahasan serta tambahkan Abstrak English 1 lembar diakhir asistensi.
       -          Dikerjakan dengan font Calibri 11 spasi 1,15. Margin 4-4-3-3 (A4) – Ketentuan Standar                      2014
       -          Nomor halaman :    
              ·         Bab awal (lembar asistensi, soal, pengesahan, daftar isi, pustaka dll) gunakan i, ii, iii, iv,                       v pada top plain number 3
              ·         Bab utama gunakan numeric pada bottom plain number 2 (NO HEADER / FOOTER)
4.       Membuat Poster A3 mengenai project untuk dipresentasikan. Contoh :
Ketentuan          :
1.       Semua tugas dikerjakan secara kelompok (2 orang).
2.       Asistensi bersama-sama (minimal 5x asistensi).
3.       Pertemuan perdana satu kelompok tugas besar ini wajib memperlihatkan surat pengantar dari              Fakultas serta setiap mahasiswa wajib membawa lembar Soal dan lembar asistensi standar.


Hasil Akhir Poster presentasi untuk mata kuliah International Development 2014
Dalam poster ini saya ingin menjelaskan mengenai treeangle position dalam merumuskan masalah dan memberikan saran dalam project yang saya kerjakan mengenai Banger Polder - Pumping Station di Semarang.
Dalam poster saya ingin menjelaskan bahwa semarang memiliki masalah utama yaitu banjir yang terjadi setiap tahun bahkan setiap hari atau kita mengenalnya dengan banjir Rob. ada beberapa sebab terjadi banjir di kawasan semarang. Human streesor (kebiasaan buang sampah yang menyumbat dll), nature stressor (clime change menyebabkan air laut masuk ke daratan pantura) serta geografi semarang sendiri yang terdiri dari 2 macam geografi berupa pegunungan dan basin shape (semarang bawah).
Pemerintah sebagai pengambil keputusan sudah menyiapkan sistem Polder yang menjadi polder pertama di Indonesia mengambil contoh dari Netherland (BANGER POLDER PILOT PROJECT) namun dalam pencapaiannya masih saja banyak permasalahan yang muncul atau sulit untuk diselesaikan. kurangnya partisipasi masyarakat untuk operation dan maintenance menjadi masalah tersendiri untuk project ini. Selain itu masih sangat ribetnya sistem pengambil keputusan dalam project ini (SIMA, PU, BMKG, Balaikota Semarang, etc.) sebagai saran saya memberikan contoh sistem Decision Maker in One Door at Netherland atau Water Board HHSK.

1.1 Development
Gore (2000: 794–5) notes that in the 1950s and 1960s a ‘vision of the liberation of people and peoples’ dominated, based on ‘structural transformation’. This perception has tended to ‘slip from view’ for many contributors to the development literature. Development of a city or region to be more feasible and sustainable, should be connected each other of all sectors of development to offer and create to human life as social beings which have a right to a better life. The well developed city will always be tied to the social sectors, economic sectors, physical sectors, the service and access sector and others so all these sectors should be pursued to create the goal of development itself is to reaching modernity, economy and human improvement for all the country and the citizens involve there, for my study case in Indonesia.
Indonesia is a country which still young and is in the development process of all sectors for a better life and feasible for the entire community. The first is historical and long term and arguably relatively value free – ‘development’ as a process of change but In the process is still much problems arising out to the develop their cities, the facilities and the rules which must that apply to society, city resilience to the many environmental problems or disasters, as well as issues arising from the development of the city or the region itself. As an example of regional development efforts made by the government in Semarang - Central Java, Indonesia which located in the northern Semarang or banger area. Semarang is one of the major cities in Java island of Indonesia, the central government of Central Java is currently establishing and developing so unwittingly many other problems which raised apart from the aspects of Semarang’s geography which ranges flood almost every year.

1.2 Problem and Control
Geography of Semarang city which consists of 2 types that’s mountains (Semarang above - South) and the lower mainland (Semarang bottom - North) which basin-shaped. Because the existing geography in north Semarang especially banger so became an areas that are often exposed to water problems. The first and a main issue which the government wants and must finish in Semarang is a flooding problem which often happens either during the rainy season or flooding caused by sea level rise or infiltration and compounded still so much garbage clog the river flow. So many losses due to flood itself for long term happened. Losses city and country assets (roads, schools, offices, hospitals, central java main port), loss of investors which invest or build industry in the region (surrounding banger area are main industrial zone in Semarang), and especially is the problem of which of society felt directly caused by flooding, the house was broken so not habitable, health problems, disrupt social and economic activities that disturb the people's daily income (bad transformation). Over time the banger area became a slum area uninhabitable (External control -Trompenaars and Hampden-Turner).
Semarang government was already aware of the many losses because of flooding that occurred in the region. Government as decision makers and private parties as well as other parties which felt able to solve the problems of the region try to find the best solution and suitable to be applied in areas with high local background (local wisdom) efforts try to deal with nature as well as to create the Resiliency regency for people and communities.
One way to try deal with nature already government did is a Polder system to of handling the flood with physical buildings, which include drainage systems, retention ponds, levees that surround the area, as well as the pump and / sluice, as a single integral water management system (Pusair, 2007). Construction of polder systems cannot be done alone, but need to be planned and implemented in an integrated manner, adapted to urban planning and water management in macro. The combination of pump capacity and retention ponds must be able to control the water level in a polder area and does not have a negative impact on the macro drainage system. Completeness of physical facilities for polder systems include: embankment to isolation with sea water, drainage, retention ponds (reservoirs) and pump (Rosdianti, 2009). At the beginning of the plan Banger Polder of operations and maintenance must be run with the cooperation and participation of local inhabitants and communities so that communities around banger polder growing sense of ownership and continues to keep the polders banger. Expected with the implementation and operation of this banger polder region can reduce and removes flood and after the flooding problem solved of course the other problem will be solved such as slum areas, continues destruction of road access in the region, the disruption of economic activities and other micro and macro issues (Internal control - Trompenaars and Hampden-Turner).
1.3 Regulation
Although banger polders and some parts of supporters has been completed and ready to be operated but in reality there are still some problems in the process of project operations and maintenance in order to work in the long term and in line with expectations early or medium term development of the project. Banger Polder become a pilot project in Java island but that still has real problems ranging from top level (decision makers) up to a population of around banger polder itself.
Semarang government should work fast to complete this project considering the severity of the problem and the impact that occurs due to flooding (rainfall or sea level rise). Regulation of the project work should be done just in one door (more simple) so that future the construction and operations projects can be perfect and easy to control. If it is difficult to happen so all the parties who involve in this project must work together in a professional manner for the benefit of the community and the city of Semarang itself (regional elective – smart governance).
Semarang Government and other cities in Indonesia should be aware out of flooding problems ahead because Indonesia is an archipelago country of course many water problems. For comparison Netherlands are starting to realize the problems of floods will definitely happen in their land considering geography shape on Netherlands, therefore the Dutch government to make Water Board.
Institutional water management in the Netherlands has a high status. The governing of the Water Board have equal footing with municipality (mayor). Figure 8 strata present position of the Kingdom of the Netherlands government, provinces, municipalities and water boards. Chairman of the agency appointed by the same kingdom with the mayor The structure duty of management of water board in Rotterdam are: Operation and maintenance, Legislation & Enforcement, testing and monitoring, Preparation on climate change, Harmonization of spatial planning (integrating spatial planning, Taxation (payment / water tax) – High Uncertainty avoidance (Hofstede)

To address the flooding problems that influence a lot aspects of the city of Semarang, the government should to move quickly (top down participation and decision making) to complete the banger polder and spreading it to community around banger polder so that the public can participate in the Operations and maintaining polder banger in the long term, remember, Development’ as a long-term process of structural societal transformation.